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Gingival and periodontal surgery is a dental service that is prescribed for a specific type of surgery depending on the type of gum problem. Gingival surgery is performed on special conditions such as inflammation, gum disease, smile correction and… on the person's gums.
Cosmetic dentistry refers to a variety of dental cosmetic procedures to improve the appearance of teeth.
Over time, tooth enamel becomes weak and their color darkens, or the use of cigarettes, tobacco, and foods such as spices cause a change in the color of the teeth. is a doer
Various treatments are performed on the teeth in this specialty, which you will learn more about some of these treatments below:
1- Dental beauty with the help of composite
2- Ceramic laminates
3- Dental cover
4- Interdental bridge or bridges
5- Implants
6- Surgery on the gums to beautify the teeth
7- Teeth whitening with bleaching process
Gum grafting is a type of dental surgery that is performed in order to restore and correct the gum that has undergone degeneration and regression.
During this operation, the transplanted tissue is removed from a part of the mouth of the person or his surroundings and is attached to the gum that has undergone degeneration and regression.
Gum grafting is more of a therapeutic aspect and in some cases it is also used to improve the smile design and aesthetic aspect.
Gum flap surgery is a method to treat periodontal pockets. In this method, the infections penetrated under the gums are eliminated. Pockets are the areas under the gum line that are separated from the gum tissue due to periodontal disease, thus creating a space where harmful bacteria can grow. These bacteria will cause tissue inflammation and as a result sensitivity, bleeding and pain. If left untreated, they can cause many problems, including gum disease, loss of tooth bone structure, and possibly systemic (whole body) problems.
The bones of the upper and lower jaws play an important role in the overall health of the mouth and teeth. The main function and function of the jaw bone is to provide adequate support to the roots of the teeth and gums and prevent the teeth from loosening and shifting in the mouth. Another role of the jawbones is to regulate the chewing and biting pattern, and apart from that, it forms an important part of the facial structure. All of this shows the important role of the jaw bone, which is always subject to degradation due to various reasons, the main of which is the loss of teeth and periodontal diseases. The main dental solution to prevent structural problems in the jaw and maintain its overall condition is the reconstruction and repair of the jaw bone mass, which is done with bone grafting methods or bone reconstruction with different materials.
Reconstruction of the lost bone is done to protect the teeth and the tissues that support them against plaque and bacteria, and in the special case of the dental implant, for adequate and better support of the implant base when a long time has passed since the tooth was extracted. And the jaw bone has had the opportunity to find analysis, it is useful.
Many people lose their teeth over time due to many reasons such as aging, tooth extraction, etc. This issue, in addition to causing problems in the appearance and design of your smile, can also negatively affect your chewing and eating. To compensate for this problem, implants can be a very suitable option to give a better appearance to the smile design in addition to filling the empty space.
An implant is an artificial replacement of teeth, which is considered as a standard treatment to fill empty teeth today. A dental implant is a small screw-shaped rod that is inserted into the jaw bone during a surgical operation to be welded to the surrounding bone and ready to hold the artificial crown of the tooth. In fact, the base of the implant acts as the root of the tooth, and the crown of the tooth acts as the crown of the tooth. Therefore, the implant does not need to rely on the surrounding teeth and remains fixed inside the jaw bone.
Although the dental implant is more for improvement and term, but its effect in the concept of beauty cannot be ignored.