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Dental scaling is a type of cleaning that will take place below the gum line. It is a very common type of deep cleaning for protecting tooth enamel beneath the gums and gum tissue from periodontal (gum) disease. With healthy teeth and gums, you are much less likely to experience tooth loss and other effects of poor or insufficient oral care. ...Read More
Have you heard of the term dentin tubules? Well, now you have. Dentin tubules are a vital part of your teeth. As you may know, the teeth are made up of tissue layers, and each one serves a unique function. The dentin tubules are located in the dentin, one of the layers below the enamel surface. The role of dentin tubules is to help you feel sens ...Read More
Everyone has their ways of reducing anxiety and relieving stress. Some ways are considered healthy and socially acceptable. Others, not so much. For instance, thumbsucking is considered normal as an infant but is frowned upon as you get older. But if it doesn't hurt anyone and it makes you feel better, what's the big deal? Well, sucking ...Read More
Good oral hygiene is essential to keeping a healthy mouth. Practicing good oral hygiene means maintaining your teeth by brushing and flossing regularly. You care for your teeth and gums by brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and visiting your dentist for regular cleanings and checkups. Read on to learn more. ...Read More