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What are the requirements for implant placement immediately after tooth extraction?


What are the requirements for implant placement immediately after tooth extraction?
Mar 12 2022 Views 850
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Implant after tooth extraction

Tooth gap is one of the most important concerns after tooth extraction. Having all the teeth is essential, especially for people whose appearance plays an important role in their work and life. In such cases, implant placement can be a good solution if a person has to have a tooth extracted. Implant placement immediately after tooth extraction allows new teeth to be placed even on the same day the tooth is extracted. Also, the repair process in this method is faster. However, implant placement immediately after tooth extraction requires the necessary conditions. In some cases, after tooth extraction and before implant placement, it is necessary to take time to heal the wound. There are two main conditions for immediate implant placement:

1) No infection: For implant placement, the hollow area of ​​the tooth must be free of inflammation, gum disease and various infections. If there is an infection or swelling, it is necessary to treat these complications before implant placement.

2) Quality and quantity of the jawbone: The quality and density of the jawbone at the site of the extracted tooth should be such that it can fill the gap. In cases where the bones do not have the density needed to surround the implant, methods such as bone grafting can be used.

The first step in implanting a dental implant is to determine a treatment plan for the patient. This program includes the needs of the individual, which is determined by a team of specialists, especially oral and maxillofacial surgeons. This team determines the necessary treatment conditions according to the type of implant needed by the person. Next, a titanium implant is placed at the root of the extracted tooth. As the jawbone repairs, it surrounds the metal and secures it to the jaw. The treatment process takes about 6 to 12 weeks. When the implant is firmly in place, a small piece of connector called an abutment is mounted on it to allow the tooth crown to be placed on it. To make a new tooth, the dentist prepares the initial mold from the person's tooth, and finally the final tooth is made from it and placed on the implant. The tooth is matched in color to other individual teeth to look exactly like natural teeth.



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