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Important dental advice for dental care and reduction of bad breath during Ramadan for fasting people


Important dental advice for dental care and reduction of bad breath during Ramadan for fasting people
Apr 03 2022 Views 766
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Strictly recommend brushing and flossing after breakfast and iftar. Brushing and flossing removes food left in the mouth by removing bacteria that are allowed to ferment by bacteria in the mouth and reduces the possibility of bad breath. The important thing is to never forget to brush your tongue while brushing.

Avoid smelly foods such as garlic and onions at breakfast and iftar. Of course, fragrant spices are also avoided in the category of food. Instead, use aromatic spices such as cardamom or fragrant vegetables such as rosemary or mint.

Decreased saliva due to long hours of fasting is one of the most important causes of bad breath in fasting people. As a result, be sure to drink water between Iftar and Sahar, especially at breakfast. One of the foods that helps increase the amount of saliva in the mouth during fasting; It is cheese. We recommend that you include cheese in your meals because it contains phosphate, which stimulates salivation. Cheese is also one of the foods that reduces caries.

Avoid smoking, one of the causes of bad breath is smoking.

The use of vitamin C In particular, vitamin C in natural foods kills many bacteria and helps with bad breath.



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