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What A Gum Boil Could Mean For Your Dental Health


What A Gum Boil Could Mean For Your Dental Health
Jan 06 2025 Views 77
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You can boil water or make a hard-boiled egg. You can even prepare a traditional poached dish. All of these are good in their own way. But a gum boil is something you definitely don’t want to experience. These bumps, which resemble facial pimples, can lead to more serious problems if left untreated. Learn about the types, causes, and symptoms of this condition below, and if you think you have a boil that needs treatment, be sure to consult your dentist.


Types of Gum Abscesses or Dental Boils

An abscess is another term for a "boil." When these unpleasant bumps on the gums become filled with fluid or pus, they require treatment. There are three types of gum abscesses you might encounter:


1. Gingival abscesses


These painful sores appear on the gums near the teeth and, according to the British Medical Journal, are among the rarest types.


2. Pericoronal abscesses

These abscesses are more common and usually occur near the crown of a tooth that hasn’t yet emerged from the gums, such as an impacted wisdom tooth.


3. Periodontal abscesses

These abscesses typically develop deep in the gums, possibly in a periodontal pocket, and are the most common type of gum abscess and the third most frequent dental emergency, according to the IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences.




Causes and Symptoms of Gum Boils or Abscesses

All dental abscesses, whether related to the teeth or gums, have a common cause: bacterial infection. According to the UK’s National Health Service (NHS), bacterial infections usually arise due to the following reasons:


Poor oral hygiene


Consumption of sugary and starchy foods and drinks


✓ Previous injury or surgery in the gums or teeth


✓ Weakened immune system


Although abscesses form in the oral cavity, their infection can spread to other parts of the body. Periodontal abscesses, the most common type, often occur due to untreated periodontal disease. According to the IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, symptoms of periodontal abscesses include:


✓ Discomfort


✓ Swelling


✓ Inflammation


✓ Pain


✓ Formation of a periodontal pocket


Treatment for Gum Boils or Abscesses

The last thing you want is for the infection to spread to your jawbone or teeth. Therefore, prompt and effective treatment to eliminate gum boils is crucial. According to the Government of Alberta, common treatments for periodontal abscesses include:




1. Prescribing antibiotics


2. Draining the pus to reduce pain and discomfort


3. Tooth extraction (only when necessary)


4. Surgery to repair bone damage (only in severe cases)


5. Cleaning between the teeth and gums if the abscess is caused by gum disease, according to the American Dental Association


Maintaining Gum Health

Healthy gums reduce the likelihood of gum disease, tooth decay, bacterial infections, and ultimately prevent gum abscess formation. This begins with proper oral hygiene:


✓ Brushing twice daily


✓ Using dental floss daily




✓ Consuming sugary foods and drinks in moderation


✓ Avoiding tobacco use


✓ Regular dental visits


Nobody wants the complications associated with gum boils. But the key is to strengthen your oral health. With proper home care and regular dental checkups, gum abscesses can be prevented.


Articles are reviewed by Dr. Moein Taghavi, a periodontal surgeon and periodontist. This information is for educational purposes only. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a dentist, physician, or other qualified healthcare provider.




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