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Important dental advice for dental care and reduction of bad breath during Ramadan for fasting people

Strictly recommend brushing and flossing after breakfast and iftar. Brushing and flossing removes food left in the mouth by removing bacteria that are allowed to ferment by bacteria in the mouth and reduces the possibility of bad breath. The important thing is to never forget to brush your tongue while brushing. Avoid smelly foods such a ...Read More
Apr 03 2022
Views 623

A new way to fill teeth

When it comes to dental fillings, almost everyone remembers the unpleasant dental process that begins with a painful injection and continues with drilling and tooth piercing. British scientists have discovered a new method called EAER that bears no resemblance to the traditional process. In the new method, doctors can use a paten ...Read More

Mar 17 2022
Views 644

Restoration of dental cavities without the need for dental drills

A sophomore at the University of Toronto School of Dentistry is exploring a way to repair cavities without the need for drills, which are commonly used to eliminate tooth decay. He developed a low-viscosity resin with antimicrobial properties that could repair primary decay lesions.   A low-viscosity resin is currently avail ...Read More

Mar 12 2022
Views 676

The relationship between tooth loss and alzheimer

According to a study in the Journal of Severe and Prolonged Treatment (JAMDA), tooth loss can be a risk factor for forgetfulness and cognitive impairment.   This is the result of a meta-analysis of 14 studies with more than 34,700 participants, of whom 4,689 had cognitive impairment. The researchers found that participants w ...Read More

Mar 12 2022
Views 595

New advanced materials were developed for medical implants

"New advanced materials for use in medical implants were developed in this research project," said Qader Faraji, deputy director of science and technology, the lead author of the research project "Production of super-strong nanostructured metals for medical applications." The production of these materials was done for dental ...Read More

Mar 12 2022
Views 545