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When people eat, bacteria in the mouth break down carbohydrates from food into acid. This mixes with leftover food particles and saliva to create plaque. Brushing and flossing often prevent plaque and tartar from forming. However, tartar can be more difficult to remove and sometimes requires a visit to the dentist’s office for a pr ...Read More
Braces change the appearance of your smile more than some are comfortable with. If you're considering a less visible option, ceramic braces might be a perfect fit. Are these braces effective? Are there any downsides? Let's dive in and address your biggest questions and concerns. ...Read More
Cavities, also known as tooth decay, are a widespread oral health problem: about 90% of adults have had at least one cavity. Left untreated, cavities can lead to toothaches and other dental problems. Being familiar with the signs and symptoms of cavities and making regular visits to the dentist can help spot and treat cavi ...Read More
Agonizing tooth pain, sharp jaw discomfort, a dull ache in your gums — each one is a sign of dental trouble or something even more serious. Unfortunately, many people put off a call to the dentist — a potentially risky move, since dental problems can be more advanced than you realize. As we age, we can feel les ...Read More