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Can the rest of the fluoride toothpaste be swallowed ?!


Can the rest of the fluoride toothpaste be swallowed ?!
Mar 12 2022 Views 1022
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You may have heard that after brushing, it is better to remove the rest of the toothpaste without rinsing your mouth with water. The rationale for this idea is that fluoride toothpaste can remain a topical active ingredient in the mouth. Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. But is that really the case ?!

Those who think that high-concentration fluoride toothpaste particles can easily stay in the mouth ignore an important point. That is, every remaining particle in the mouth (even the smallest particles) is always exposed to swallowing and digestion processes. On the other hand, if the presence of 8 ppm fluoride in a water source can cause staining of the teeth, then by what logic can it be accepted that swallowing and digesting toothpaste with, for example, 5400 ppm fluoride does not cause any problems ?!

If a child accidentally swallows fluoride toothpaste, we dentists recommend drinking a glass of milk immediately, as the calcium in the milk binds to the fluoride particles, making it safe for the body. So it is not uncommon to ask adults to allow toothpaste particles to remain in their mouths, as these particles will eventually enter the digestive system. In addition, detergent compounds such as sodium laurate sulfate are now used in toothpaste, which should not enter the gastrointestinal tract.

So we can easily argue that brushing twice with 1400ppm fluoride toothpaste overnight protects teeth well. Remaining particles of toothpaste in the mouth, these particles eventually reach the gastrointestinal tract and other organs of the body, while doing so is detrimental to your health. It should not be overlooked that even after rinsing the mouth, very limited particles of toothpaste remain in the mouth. On the other hand, in today's modern life, no one eats anything at night after brushing, so what exactly do you want to protect your teeth against by leaving toothpaste in your mouth ?!

Many people think that fluoride acts as a versatile drug for the teeth, but the fact is that fluoride simply makes teeth less vulnerable to acidic compounds. Public media, on the other hand, encourages people to consume more goods than anything else to deal with oral problems, while educating people about the root causes of tooth decay. In fact, poor eating habits such as the constant use of sugary and acidic foods are one of the most important factors in tooth decay that are often overlooked.

Finally, we must emphasize that fluoride is really a valuable weapon in the prevention of dental caries, and no one denies that. But keeping fluoride toothpaste particles in your mouth will only harm your health. Those who are really concerned about the health of their teeth, first of all, should correct their bad eating habits before first thinking about getting help from fluoride and toothpaste!

Source: Dentistry



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