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Can the rest of the fluoride toothpaste be swallowed ?!

You may have heard that after brushing, it is better to remove the rest of the toothpaste without rinsing your mouth with water. The rationale for this idea is that fluoride toothpaste can remain a topical active ingredient in the mouth. Proponents of her case have been working to make the actual transcript of this statement available online. Pr ...Read More
Mar 12 2022
Views 1022

Does poor oral hygiene increase the risk of Covid-19?

The results of a study show that there is a potential link between poor oral hygiene and the complications of Covid-19. According to a report published in the British Dental Journal, researchers have studied the role of oral bacteria in exacerbating coronavirus disease and complications such as pneumonia and acute respiratory distress sy ...Read More

Mar 12 2022
Views 736

What is a Toothpaste Color Code?

The internet is home to a lot of useful and valuable information, however, it is highly prone to misinformation and fake information. One such fake information is related to the colorful signs you see at the end of toothpaste. Social media and internet articles on this topic, known as toothpaste color coding, insist that the colors on th ...Read More

Nov 21 2022
Views 29976