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The relationship between tooth loss and alzheimer


The relationship between tooth loss and alzheimer
Mar 12 2022 Views 727
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According to a study in the Journal of Severe and Prolonged Treatment (JAMDA), tooth loss can be a risk factor for forgetfulness and cognitive impairment.


This is the result of a meta-analysis of 14 studies with more than 34,700 participants, of whom 4,689 had cognitive impairment. The researchers found that participants with missing teeth were 1.48 times more likely to have cognitive impairment and 1.28 times more likely to have forgetfulness.


It is noteworthy that the risk of these diseases increases with each number of missing teeth; However, for patients with dentures, no association was found between missing teeth and cognitive impairment or amnesia.


Cognitive disorders


Researchers believe that tooth loss may be a sign of poor socioeconomic status, which in turn is a risk factor for cognitive impairment and amnesia. Malnutrition due to difficulty chewing food can also lead to these diseases.

To view the original article, refer to the following address.



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