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The relationship between tooth loss and alzheimer

According to a study in the Journal of Severe and Prolonged Treatment (JAMDA), tooth loss can be a risk factor for forgetfulness and cognitive impairment.   This is the result of a meta-analysis of 14 studies with more than 34,700 participants, of whom 4,689 had cognitive impairment. The researchers found that participants w ...Read More
Mar 12 2022
Views 595

What is Oligodontia

What is Oligodontia? If your missing teeth are due to a disease or a special trait you were born with, you may have Oligodontia. Dental agenesis is a term that refers to those who are born without one or more teeth. According to the oral and dental health group, this is the most ...Read More

Dec 10 2022
Views 872

Dental Health Care: What Is It & What Does It Mean to You?

Why do you visit a dental professional? Maybe you need a routine checkup, or you have a sore tooth that needs attention. Almost everyone has mouths with teeth, gums, and tongues, so we all require some form of oral care. But what exactly is dental health care, and what does it mean to you? ...Read More

Apr 25 2023
Views 489

How To Strengthen Tooth Enamel

It’s no stretch to say that your teeth’s enamel is super important. In fact, without enamel, your teeth would grind away or break down far too quickly.   Enamel is a tough shell that forms the outside of your teeth, covering the crown. It’s the visible part of your teeth and is, even compared to bone, the t ...Read More

Aug 17 2024
Views 66