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What Is Micrognathia?

Micrognathia is a condition where the lower jaw is undersized. It's quite common in infants, and in many situations, it corrects itself. This condition isn't preventable and may occur when a child has another syndrome. Understanding what causes an undersized jaw and how the condition affects an individual can help you accommodate any spe ...Read More
Apr 29 2024
Views 227

AI-Powered Precision: Revolutionizing Oral Hygiene

For decades, we’ve been told to brush our teeth twice a day, for 2-3 minutes. However, what often goes unnoticed is the importance of surface coverage during brushing. Many of us are unaware of whether we are effectively reaching all of the areas of our mouths. An alarming statistic finds that 20% of people aren’t brushing their teet ...Read More

Mar 24 2024
Views 259

Children with Cleft Lips and Palates

Children with cleft lips and palates face varied health challenges, making it important for them to have personalized treatment plans and take consistent care of their teeth.   As one of the most common birth disorders, cleft lips and palates occur when a baby’s lip or roof of the mouth doesn’t f ...Read More

Mar 24 2024
Views 251

Researchers use an app to help people who are afraid of the dentist to deal with their fear

Research shows that 30 percent of people fear going to the dentist, including more than 20 percent who have had an appointment recently, according to an NYU study. A new app created by researchers at NYU College of Dentistry and Penn School of Dental Medicine shows promise in treating this distress using the principles of cognitive behavioral th ...Read More

Mar 24 2024
Views 290

Inferior Alveolar Nerve (IAN)

The mouth has many visible areas we hear about all the time in oral health—the teeth, the tongue, the gums. But what about the key parts of our mouth that don’t get discussed? The inferior alveolar nerve (IAN), connected to your molars and premolars, plays an important role in your oral health. Here we’ll look at what it is and ...Read More

Feb 10 2024
Views 915